Thursday, July 4, 2013

20 Questions

It's the Fourth of July, the United States of America's birthday, and there's no better way to celebrate it than by blogging about the best sport in the world. USA: best country in the world; soccer: the best sport on the globe. Today's edition of "20 Questions" is an interview with a good friend of mine who is new to the game of soccer. He is the son of a Cuban immigrant who fought to free Cuba so many moons ago. Without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, Humberto Perez:

1.     You’re fairly new to the beautiful game; what started you on the path to soccer?

My brother and his friends would play pickup games at an indoor soccer pitch in the middle of a warehouse district at like 1 am.  My brother invited me to go with them one night and being bored out of my mind I said why not.   No one wanted to play keeper that night (what a surprise right?) so I volunteered.  1 hour and 1 10 -1 victory later, I was hooked.



2.     What do you do for a living?

I work in the IT department for a bank here in Miami. 


3.     How many different leagues do you currently play in?

As of right now I play in 3 different leagues.  My first league was a Sunday afternoon 8v8 coed league.  After a season playing there I felt confident enough to try my hand at 11v11 so I joined an 11v11 mens league organized by the same people who organize the 8v8.  I was then recruited to play in a 6v6 coed rooftop league.  Right now my week is 6v6 Wednesday nights, 11v11 Saturdays, and 8v8 Sundays 


4.     You’ve played both indoor and outdoor, which is your favorite and why?

It's a tough call.  Indoor is faster paced and as a keeper you can see upwards of 20 - 30 shots a game so your overall athleticism plays a bigger part.  Outdoors the game slows down a bit  and becomes more cerebral.  You also have the additional challenge of dealing with set pieces and crosses that you don't really see in indoor soccer.  If I had to pick a favorite though, I would have to go with indoor because of the pace of the game.  You are much more involved in the game and you have many more opportunities to show off your athletic ability than you do in outdoor soccer.


5.     What’s for dinner?

Tonight it's Cuban food.  Probably going to have some lechon asado con moros y tostones.  That's roasted pork with rice cooked with black beans and fried plantains for all your non Spanish speaking readers.


6.     What’s on your current music playlist?

I've got a pretty eclectic mix of rock and country music going right now.  I've got Halestorm, Nightwish, Metallica, Offspring, Zac Brown Band, Little Big Town,Toby Keith, Unsun, Blackmoore's Night, etc all fighting for playing time on my playlist.  


7.     You currently playing goalkeeper for several teams; have you ventured out of the goal box to play any other position?

In a game situation, no.  I'm absolutely terrible with the ball at my feet and I enjoy playing keeper so much that I have little to no desire to play any other position.  In scrimages I've played defense to practice my footwork and enjoyed it a bit but there's nothing like the feeling of laying out and making a diving save


8.     What is your favorite soccer league to watch and favorite teams, why?

For a long time, I was a World Cup only soccer fan and rooted for USMNT of course.  Now I've started to follow the Premier League and a bit of MLS.  On the MLS side, I follow the San Jose Earthquakes.  I grew up following all the bay area teams so the Quakes were a natural fit for me.  My Premier League team is Manchester City  courtesy of my friend Dave McMahan.  He's a big time Man United supporter, even owning a share in the club, and he was the one that got me into following the league.  Since it is psychically impossible for us to root for the same side in just about any situation (excepting the national teams of course, USA!) I went with their biggest rival as my supporting club.


9.     Any particular players you look up to?

My favorite player in the world is Hope Solo.  She's fearless in net and commands her 18 really well.  I've learned a lot about playing goal by watching her and tried to model my game after hers.  Tim Howard and Iker Casillas are two other goalies I watch a lot and try to learn from.  


10.  There’s only one flavor of ice cream, and it is?

Easiest question of the day.  The answer of course is chocolate. 


11.  Pepsi or Coke?

2nd easiest.  The answer of course is Pepsi.   


12.  Other than soccer, what sports do you follow, and what are your favorite teams?

I'm a big fan of hockey and baseball and played both in high school. My favorite hockey team is the San Jose Sharks and in baseball its the San Francisco Giants.  I'm also a fan of American football and follow the 49ers and the Florida State Seminoles.  


13.  FIFA ’13, what’s your record?

Better than yours! [laughs] (this is true; he's beaten me in our last two derby series).

14.  Who’s your favorite player on the USMNT and why?

Tough call but I think I'm going to go with Clint Dempsey.  He plays with such creativity and ferocity that it's always fun to watch him with the ball on his feet.  You never know what he's going to do with it.  He's also tough as nails and I don't see him flop around the pitch like many other players do *cough* ITALIANS *cough* 


15.  Who’s your favorite player on the USWNT and why?

Hope Solo without a doubt.  She's one of the best keepers in the world and one of the reasons I started playing keeper in the first place.  She also puts the beautiful into the beautiful game 


16.  Other than FIFA ’13, what video games do you play?

I'm hopelessly addicted to World of Warcraft.  GLORY TO THE ALLIANCE!  I've been playing the new Tomb Raider game which is freaking amazing.  Worth checking out. 

17.  Given the choice between free tickets for Taylor Swift, Natalie Imbruglia, or Beyonce, you’d choose?

Pffft Taylor Swift hands down.  Taylor, if you're reading this I will happily be the muse for your next hit single 


18.  How many siblings do you have?

I have 8 brothers and sister.  The oldest is in her 50s and the youngest is 21.  Lots of good times growing up. 


19.  What’s your favorite restaurant?

I'd have to say Amici's.  Its a small Italian restaurant that I've going to for almost 20 years now.  They make best pizza and chicken francese in the city.  I have many fond memories of walking there after school with my friends to enjoy a slice of pizza and a coke for a dollar.


20.  Nike or Adidas?

Reusch. Love your sport.  Shameless plug, Humby needs a new pair of gloves =)

See you next week with another edition of 20 Questions! Coming soon, interviews with Boston Breakers midfielder Lianne Sanderson and US Women's National Team star Yael Averbuch.

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