Thursday, September 5, 2013

20 Questions with Christen Press

Let’s get right to it, 20 Questions with Christen Press:

1. You’re practically a Christmas baby; is that how you got the name Christen?

More or less, yes.

2. Stanford, Göteborg, Stockholm, which is/was your favorite place to play soccer and why?

Every year gets better and better! I learned so much as a player and person at Stanford. My 4 years there were my first away from home and prepared me well for this Swedish adventure I am on. I had a fantastic year in Gothenburg, where I was asked to change a lot about myself as a player, and so added a lot of new tools and skills. I met some fantastic people there and I am sure I made lifelong friends. Here in Tyresö, I am on the strongest team of my life and every day at training and at games I am amazed by the quality of my teammates. Playing here has allowed me to really enjoy the game and grow/ play with more ease.

3. In July 2011, you were the mad-hatter in a game against the Boston Breakers, how does it feel to be the only rookie to net a hat trick?

The WPS was an extremely intense league and anytime I scored I was more than thrilled during that rookie season. After that game, I started to think about how much goals really do come in waves. And that was a particularly fun wave to ride!

4. Everywhere you play accolades seem to follow; you were the second highest scorer for the Damallsvenskan, did you ever think you’d earn such high honors at such a young age?

I´m a big dreamer. Every night when I close my eyes to go to bed, and I kid you not I have been like this since I was a small child, I imagine great things happening. This isn´t something that I actively try to do. I´ve always just been this way. Sometimes my big dreams get me so excited I have trouble falling asleep. So, the short answer is yes.

5. Living in Sweden has to leave you longing for home cooking; what food do you wish you could have in Stockholm?

Living abroad leaves me longing for SO many things. I miss California sushi and Mexican food. I miss my mom´s cooking. I miss my favorite restaurants. But when I leave Sweden, I´m sure I´m also going to miss a lot of things/ food here.

6. You have a distinguished college career with Stanford University; what made you want to be a Cardinal?

I think Stanford had the right distance from home, a beautiful campus, and most importantly academic excellence. Looking back, I can see just how lucky I was to be a Cardinal. 

7. 2013 Algarve Cup Champion: what’s it like to win this coveted title with the might US Women’s National Team?

This year´s Algarve was some of my first games with the national team. It´s exciting every single time I step on the field with them, and winning the tournament was the icing on the cake.

8. Three goals wearing the Stars and Stripes in your first two games, an accomplishment not achieved by any other USWNT member. What’s it like to hold this record over the likes of Wambach or Hamm or the rest of the goal-scoring machine that is the USWNT?  

I think sometimes there is a lot of focus on these types of stats or accomplishments. In the end, I am honored and humbled every time I get to wear the ¨Stars and Stripes.¨ Scoring is just putting the final touch in a play. In other words, I was able to score because my team gave me that opportunity!

9. Does athletic prowess run in the family? Any chance we’ll see another Press in a USWNT jersey?

Yes, and no. My dad played college football and lacrosse. My mom is super athletic, she plays tennis, runs, and bikes frequently. But both my sisters are retired soccer players. Now, you can find them doing Yoga or Insanity! 

Quick fire fun questions…GO

10. Favorite color? Green.

11. Favorite type of car? Uh...

12. Favorite TV Show? Glee.

13. Favorite movie? Friday Night Lights. Finding Nemo.

14. Cat or Dog? Dog.

Back to our regularly scheduled programming:

15. What’s in a number? You wear 23 for USWNT and13 for Tyresö and wore 23 for Stanford. Do any of these numbers have a certain meaning?

23 is my number! I just seem to get attached to whatever number I wear for awhile. I wear 23 with the national team now and I would wear it here in Stockholm if it was available. But I wore 13 as a kid, so I just chose that again.

16. One piece of advice for young players looking for a career in soccer:

Always, always enjoy the football.

17. There’s only one flavor of ice cream, and it is Haagen Daaz Coffee.

18. Other than English, what languages do you speak? (I can only order meatballs in Swedish)

Hablo español (or Spanglish) cada día con mis compañeras... och jag kan prata en mycket liten svenska nu.

19. What is your favorite professional soccer team?

TyresöFF! Second, though: Real Madrid

20. Who is the toughest defender that you’ve gone up against?

My soon-to-be-teammate-again and childhood friend, Whitney Engen.

Press, along with all the other European players, was omitted from Tuesday's 7-0 thrashing of Mexico at RFK. The only exception to this was Yael Averbuch; who was already state side to attend a wedding. Press is an important piece of the USWNT bench, and will continue to be an offensive threat for whatever team she's playing for. 

Upcoming on Following Football: 20 Questions with Shaun Nicholson, Maryland ODP coach; Mike Dougherty, Writer, Producer, and Director of the charity film "Z*Con"; and Bobby Bagley, coach, player, referee, and soccer dad. 


  1. #8 - I believe y'all were referencing the Stars and Stripes there, unless the WNT seceded from USSF.
